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Amsterdam, Netherlands

X-clusively Amsterdam

n a cluster of streets and canals lives a beautiful and welcoming city. It is named Amsterdam. Ahhhhh, Amsterdam. Well most associate this wondrous city with cannabis, museums, galleries, Van Gogh, Rembrandt, beautiful people, canals, Sadomasochism (better known as S & M) and prostitution but curiously not fashion. But we at beg to differ. While there were not many outstandingly dressed people strutting continuously around the jam-packed streets of Amsterdam in the winter, we viewed (and photographed) stylish and quality looks all around. It is a bit more casual in manner of dress than most of the urban cities, with jeans making a big statement here but of course there were the occasional ‘what were they thinking’ moments (which we thoroughly enjoyed). Quilted coats, hats and high boots to keep all warm from the bitter cold were the norm and the array of versitile folding bikes that could possibly fit into a backpack kept our interest in the Amsterdam state-of-the-art transportation methods. From new world trams to old-fashioned bikes, it is all used and acceptable in this extremely 'fit' city!

Strangely enough, in a country where the 'Queen' rules all, it is a bit shocking to see how laid back most of the fashions were…except in the Red Light District where photography is not allowed. But the sights were most definitely astounding!! And you just have to take our word for it on this one.
I dropped my pants in a tattoo parlor in Amsterdam...
– Angelina Jolie
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