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Bridgé Golde

Ms. Bridgé and LMH Mag

ridgé Golde, aka Ms. Bridgé, is the creator and editor of the hip web-based LMH Magazine. Utilizing a magazine style format, Ms. Bridgé is able to highlight up-and-coming stars in her community and beyond. Her specialty is promoting undiscovered talent, as she truly enjoys seeing others shine and gain the recognition that they and their talents deserve. And as you will discover, Ms. Bridgé is herself a multi-talented DIVA! asked Bridgé how she developed the format for using her magazine as a platform for showcasing and promoting up and coming talent. Well it turns out Bridgé is a very unique individual, in that she uses her talent and resources for the benefit of others. She not only encourages others to follow their dreams, but even further, she works to promote and publicize their unique talents.

The genesis for this passion came about when an episode of a local Chicago show, Early Edition, was being filmed at her salon she met a slew of celebrities including Kyle Chandler, Robert DeNiro, and Christopher Walken. In the course of these encounters, she shared with them that her real passion was ‘writing and producing’. Each one insisted that she follow her passion, offered to help and encouraged her to contact them when she was ready to move forward. Entirely enthused, Bridgé completed a delightful script for a movie she called ‘The Seventh Commandment’ and at that point reached out to all of the celebrities she had previously met seeking advice … but unfortunately, she could not get anyone of them to read it. "I think subconsciously that's where the idea came from. I know what it's like to have a talent and not be able to get the word out," she explained.

After this experience, the specific idea for LMH Magazine actually came to her in a dream. And through a lot of determination and drive, in April of 2009 this dream finally came to fruition and the fabulous LMH Magazine was formed!
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