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Rebecca Klein

Rebecca Has Style for Miles

Q&A with Rebecca Klein

What is your dream occupation?
What is your favorite activity or hobby?
Attending open houses
What makes your hometown special?
There are so many different areas that are each so unique and of course, the weather.
These are my lighter-weight clothes, for Spring/Summer/Fall 
These are all of my T-Shirts and Sweaters. I have a lot of black because it's great for basics. 
These are all of my Jackets and Coats. I love to dress for Winter so I wear these a lot. 
And here we have all of my pants. 
What would be your dream vacation?
Costa Rica
What is your favorite outfit in your closet?
Pink lace open front beaded jacket from Seville, Spain.
What is your craziest thing/outfit in your closet?
My green lederhosen.
If you were given the opportunity to have a famous designer revamp your entire wardrobe, who would you choose?
Marc Jacobs because he does both street wear and dressy clothes well. He can take you from day to night.
This is my favorite item. Its a Pink Lace Beaded Jacket that I got in Seville, Spain 
This Green Lederhosen is definitely the craziest thing in my closest 
I LOVE shoes. Can you tell? 
Here is are all of my jewlery and accessories. 
What is your favorite classic movie?
Waiting for Guffman
What is your favorite magazine?
Teen Vogue and W
If you could have a dinner party and only invite 5 people who would they be?
My mom, boyfriend, Ryan Gosling, Ricky Gervais and Hilary Clinton
What is your greatest accomplishment and why?
Learning patience and to live each day as it comes.
Finish this statement:_________always makes me smile


Great wardrobe! That lace, beaded jacket is fabulous! I am not the biggest fan of the color pink but that jacket makes me like the color a little but more!
elizadolittle12    5/17/13
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