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Kelly Kel

Music and Fashion Go Hand in Hand

Born in Haiti, one of the poorest Countries in the world, Kelly Kel found her way to East Orange New Jersey at the age of six. There she began a long journey in discovering who she was. She always felt trapped in a world she did not belong, growing up very quiet and very secluded. Over the years, Kelly Kel in looking for a way to express herself and let go of the pain she was holding inside, found a love for music. She could remember singing in the shower all the time, and that was the only time she didn't care who was listening. Any other time, she would be as scared as a bat seeing daylight. Kelly became a very observant child growing up from house to house pretty much all her life.
One of her hat designs. She also customized a jacket to match. 
Her bold hat designs are always colorful. 
When she performs she always wears a matching hat. 
The one hat Kelly would never get rid of. 
At the age of sixteen, she found herself falling in love with rapping as a way she could express her anger and pain. However, she also enjoyed the way singing put her in a calm state of mind. Kelly Kel began developing both talents even though others tried to discourage her from doing both. Now she is an inspiration to many looking to head in the right direction. She has since created her own identity, using music to tell her story in hopes of helping those who are going through hard times. She experienced the struggle, growing up very shy, a lost girl who couldn't find herself. She took a stand and embraced her many talents as a way to escape the unwanted reality that was her life. In return, Kelly Kel wants to help others find their way out of the lost cycles of today's society. She is now a Singer, Songwriter, Rapper, and a Designer.
Her favorite pair of boots by Aldo. 
Her custom designed hat collection. 
One of her many sketches of her hat designs. 
Kelly likes to wear unique shoes to match her hats. asked Kelly about her personal style. She replied, "I wear basic clothes but always have a fabulous pair of shoes and a matching hat. Those two things will make any outfit stand out." Kelly is known for sporting hats each and every day.

Using her love for hats as her motivation, Kelly Kel has launched her own line of designer hats. Her designs allow you to stand out as an individual and her music motivates you to push for tomorrow. In all, Kelly Kel is a multi-talented young woman whose drive is to help others find that freedom within them.


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