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Drew Hinds, Musician Turned Author

Drew Hinds was born in Brooklyn New York and now resides in South Florida where his day job is an officer of the law. His passion however is in other areas such as writing, photography and music. He has completed 4 books that focus relationships and how certain negative life events affect people's lives in their current relationships. Some of the topics discussed include domestic abuse, rape, and down low men. His books are available on , and in paperback, Nook as well as Kindle.
Drew at one of his book signings. 
His books can be found in the Self-Improvement section. 
Poetic Soul is about the simple joys of life. 
Proud author checking out his books in a local bookstore. 
Writing- using fictitious accounts which reflect the situations in life which he feels personal sympathy towards, while provoking empowered thoughts in the reader. Henceforth having the words he pen being a written testament of his philosophy.
Photography- capturing a specific moment in time, displaying life in its simplicities and complexities through his eyes.
Drew draws his awareness for these lessons, from his passion for life in its fullness. “Life is “One extended Song…,” he states as he commences the lyrics to a song that express the continuity of “life lessons” taught through the different situations and circumstances that we face daily. His “lessons learned” have been the catapulting events that have helped him to be the man he is today, as they have shaped and allowed him to “define” himself. Being able to appreciate every line in his extend song, has allowed him to hold the correct note long enough for someone else to catch it.
His books delve into the dynamics of relationships. 
This is Drew's most recent book "A Good Man For Sale". 
Drew is also an accomplished photographer. 
Proud author of several published works. 
In essence, life has been his School, and God his teacher. After a few corrections, he has grasped the concept, and is now ready to share that knowledge with others. Having achieved a cardinal level of contentment with himself, others have been given the opportunity to respect and appreciate him as well. An inspiration and mentor to young people, he has helped to raise the self-esteem of others, as he has taught them how to believe in themselves. In addition to the aforementioned accomplishments, Drew has pressed past the odds, and risen above disappointments, to accomplish the major feat of completing his first Singles Relationship / Ministry Help Book at the age of 30.

Now he has written and published 4 books in total and he has been the guest speaker at numerous events. For more information about this dynamic young author please visit his web site


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