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Katy Style


Katy Style

World , Class

Style Icon: Katy Perry

One of the hottest young artists around, Miss Perry is a fashion plate that tweens love to emulate!

Katy Style: Style Icon: Katy Perry

Katy Perry is one of the hottest recording artist on the scene. She has a fun quirky style that is memorable each and every time she hits the stage. She takes themes to a level of commitment rarely seen in modern performances. This pop star diva has worn cupcakes, candy and even Christmas trees as part of her on stage performances. We love the fact that she is absolutely fearless and will take all kinds of fashion risks without batting an eye! Her wardrobe choices reflect her fun-loving spirit that is evident in her music and stage presence. We know you can't incorporate some of these outlandish looks in your personal closet, but we thought Ms. Perry was definitely worth noticing.



Cyber Punk

Fast , Pace

Cyberpunk Fashions

A cross between Futuristic and Punk fashions give us Cyberpunk!

Now we know you won't run out to get Cyberpunk fashions to wear everyday, but we like to have a little fun and show you what's out there in the fashion world. Cyberpunk fashions are definitely more suitable to the science-fiction, futuristic movies that are being made in Hollywood. Some of these and similar items can be found in The Hunger Games, RoboCop and the like. We hope that it inspires you to add a little punk to your wardrobe.



Color Focus

Accessory , Haven

Black and White with a Twist

Black and white is always a good combination, add a splash of color and you have great fashion

Classic black and white with a little color equals a lot of fashion. Especially nice for Spring, this combination of colors is just what the fashion doctor ordered. If you already have a fabulous black and white outfit, try adding a brightly colored accessory such as a silk scarf or large bangles. Or keep the whole outfit neutral and add a pop with a pair of red or yellow shoes! There is no end to the variety of looks you can come up with when you combine black and white with any color under the rainbow.
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