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Rogan Gregory

Rogan Gregory: Eyes of an Artist

Rogan Gregory possesses the eyes of an artist and the sensibilities of an outdoorsman. Rogan, the co-founder of Edun, Loomstate, and Rogan – the latter two for which he designs—came to fashion the way a wave finds a shore. Born in Colorado, having lived in Ohio before arriving in New York with a degree in creative writing, he took odd jobs before playing around with designing his own jeans. When he found investors, a business naturally evolved. He expanded from Rogan jeans to Loomstate, an environmentally conscious line based on organic fabrics; then Edun—a collaboration with U2 front man Bono and his wife Ali Hewson—employing workers in Africa, to fight poverty.
Rogan’s Denim Advice:

“I try not to wash things. The key is you don’t want all the dirt out. It takes out a lot of the character. You just want bacteria out. You don’t want to wash all the starch out; the yarns start to come untwisted. But if it is humid and your jeans stink, it is not cool. I put them on in the shower and I get some mild shampoo in the areas. If the sun is out, I dry them out a window.

I’ve put them in the oven. You’ve got to be careful. You can burn your jeans or burn the house down. I turned it 250 degrees, until they are dry.

I would not use detergent. Something like Woolite. No hot water at any point. No dryer.”
I want to live some day in swim trunks and surf shorts. I would rather not wear any clothes.
– Rogan Gregory
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