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Chatter Archive


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Thank you for visiting my closet.
– Daphne     5/21/14
I just read you blog and there is no way that you will be 45 next year! Is that a typo?
Melonee   6/15/09  
I just got a pair of really cute red wedges today... I don't wear heels that often, no, but I'd really like to start. my style has changed a lot in the last few months. and the jacket laces up the sides AND the back ;)
howellbe   6/10/09  
yeah it was in the pajama section... i think it might be lingerie... but with a sweater and heels it can pass as datewear, I think!
howellbe   6/10/09  
Thank you for adding me. Andthank you for the comments. That cute baby is Hassan my baby boy. The little girls in your fam pics are so adorable are they your's?
TruQueenBee   6/7/09  
yes i am! well really want to be! kinda am, i did a photoshoot tonight for a mag, and i am going to sapin for M,G, swim wear. and i am in john casablancas!
CharRayStone   6/7/09  
I just want to know that you are reading the signs of the store correctly. I have never seen anyone in my life that has so many great thrift shop finds. You need to start a business and offer to shop for others-thrifting. It could be a great business model.
RCH   6/6/09  
Hi sweety!
Just got your message. I have a quesition for you. What did you mean by Obama shoes. I don't have any Obama shoes, Just my america shoes with the red, white and blue designs. I was a bit confused. Havent had my coffee yet. You have a great day and I hope to see you again.
redaddiction   6/6/09  
Awesome new cardi. I really need to take you shopping with me...I swear there is nothing like that in my thrift store! Although there is a "better" one that I haven't checked out yet. And then there is Toronto...
AmethystJean   6/5/09  
The 'Cropped Short Sleeve Cardigan' is great. You have some fierce items. I cannot wait to see them live!
Melonee   6/1/09  
I would love to go shopping with you the next time you visit Seattle!
elizadolittle12   5/29/09  
Good morning!
It's so exciting when I get visitors! How are you today? I added a bunch more shoes to my closet. Did you see them? And thank you so much for the lovely comment about my daugher, Mallory. I have posted other pictures in my blog too. If you have a chance check them out. Girl!!! I love your rich style. You have alot of fun stuff in your closet. I love your sexy wear and your bracelets. I am a bracelet freak. Only wear white cold or sterling silver though. Anywho, I know what you are saying about the economy. It sucks and it's so sad. The finger is so quickly pointed at us when we don't have any money. We should stop giving hand outs and start helping our own people. Especially our education. It's sickening what they are doing to the children's education with all these cut backs. It's rediculous. My heart goes out for all the families who need help. It's so sad. I think we are going to end up in a depression because it certainly is not getting any better. I just keep praying. I will see you later. Haven't had my coffee. I need my coffee. When you got a chance, stop by again, I love your company. Mmmmmwah!
redaddiction   5/24/09  
Love the new photograph of you!!!
Melonee   5/19/09  
Good morning! I just got your message and sadly to say, I do not design heals or boots. I wished I did. I only design on canvas right now. Just Ked's shoes.I'm sorry. Im happy you like my designs. I have alot more coming in. Something has to be done about the silence in this place. It appears that you have been here for a long time. Has it been like this all the time. Am I waisting my time on advertising my shoes. Or should I just sit tight and see what happens. Let's keep in touch. Ta ta for now. Mmmmmmwah!
redaddiction   5/19/09  
Thank you very much for the compliment and support. I appreciate it very much!!!
Tula Couture   5/17/09  
Yeah, I still do the music thing, working on the next joint. I'll let you know when it's out.
Nephilim Muse   5/17/09  
I love your artisan jewelry! Actually, I think I like it too much. I was loking at it, forgot that I had lit a cigarette, and started a small fire! X-D Anyway, I think you're going to look fabulous at your Black Lace party.
LastCaress   5/16/09  
Hey Cuz, don't forget to check out the outfit I made for your black lace party. How is my Ozzie doing. He's so precious!
Moniette   5/15/09  
Hey Daph, I'm glad to see you're still kickin ass with the mycloset movement. Dont stop!
Nephilim Muse   5/11/09  
I had a little bit of time to check out your shirts. I love your style. Sexy and cute! Come by and check out my wishlist of shirts. I want them all, hee hee!
redaddiction   5/6/09  
Hello Daphne, cute name by the way. Your question to me whether I design my own shoes, yes, I do. I love it. I have a store called Precious Treasures. I do online marketing there. I have a link on my profile. Come check it out when you got a chance. Thank you so much for your lovely comment about my black and white photo. That is me. I also do photo manipulation. Also thanks a bunch for leaving a nice comment about my shoes. You got great taste in fashion and I like your photos too. My favorite article of clothing is jeans too. When Im at home, it's always sweat pants or capris. Hope to see you again. I love getting visitors. I crave the attention. I will see you soon, mmmmmmwah!
redaddiction   5/5/09  
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