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Chatter Archive


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My closet is always over flowing...and I like that way! :)
– Neocrowe     10/6/08
It's been forever since I have been here...wanted to share my latest "secret" shopping find!! GOODWILL CLEARANCE CENTER!! Oh my GOSH!! Such great items for almost no money! If you haven't been to your clearance center you really MUST GO! Photos to follow!
neocrowe   9/3/11  
Working on a new wardrobe photo session...will be adding new items very soon!!
neocrowe   8/24/10  
Wow...had to totally CLEAR out my own closets and buy smaller clothing!! A totally new ME!
Looking forward to posting all my latest closet finds!!
neocrowe   10/6/09  
Just wanted to say hello and how are you doing? The doggy sweaters are sooooo cute!
Daphne   10/6/09  
Hi, Congratulations on the liberation! We are looking forward to seeing the new things!
Holly   3/24/09  
Been awhile..cleaned out closets and am buying new clothing.
Who knew getting rid of a 300lb man could be so liberating?
neocrowe   2/22/09  
Hi, How are you doing? I hope things seem brighter now.
Holly   2/21/09  
15lbs!? That's amazing. I can't wait to see the new (old) clothes come out!
Holly   1/30/09  
Hi there I know you are going through a rough time right now, but I have to tell you girl, you have great style! And your girls are just adorable. Keep your head up!
Daphne   1/21/09  
he left me with all his bills,and since I had to bail him out financially once before,this time I have to cover all the finances. So,since he decided to start another relationship before he left ours..I wont worry about him or anything else about him...he's someone else's problem now.
neocrowe   1/18/09  
Maybe selling items will help but you have to know that if he did not have the belief that the two of you, together, could work throuh his hardships, then perhaps he needs time to grow. I am sorry that you are hurting but take advantage and concentrate on you and your girls. When he gets his thoughts in a better place perhaps you csan help him to figure his world out. Stay strong and concentrate on you! This is going to be your best year yet:-) You have us!
Melonee   1/18/09  
I did wear a pair of my favorite Calvin Klein pumps today to return "his" fancy tv and the iphone dock he bought me for Christmas.
neocrowe   1/17/09  
I wish I could find the will to do that,but I cant.
I have lost almost 10lbs in a week and its getting worse...my shoes didnt even help. :(
neocrowe   1/14/09  
OMG - I am so sorry! If your shoes don't make you feel better, perhaps you should sell his stuff and buy more shoes?
Holly   1/14/09  
Thanks!! Oh and the dogs are just adorable!
PS: sorry to hear about your fiancee!
elizadolittle12   1/13/09  
Let's add the stress of my fiancee walking out on me to my life!
neocrowe   1/13/09  
I got my madeline top from SAvers, but I have seen them on Ebay also. Be warned they run very small!! sheesh.
neocrowe   1/13/09  
I am in love with your Madeline top!!! Those were my favorite books growing up! May I ask where you got it??
elizadolittle12   1/8/09  
Yes, Holly, I am doing ok. Trying to rearrange my closets and organize my clothing into an easier to access system.
neocrowe   1/7/09  
Hi, I missed this note. Are you okay? Were the girls good to you while you recuperated?
Holly   1/7/09  
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