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Just Lovely, Model Style

Franky Hodge

lympia Hodge a.k.a. Franky was born and raised in beautiful, tropical Miami, Florida. By the 6th grade her family moved to another tropical vast region, French Guiana where she spent the next few years. Her interest in fashion began when she returned to Miami for 8th grade. One of the main things she remembers about going to school in Guiana was having to wear a strict uniform where everyone looked exactly alike. They had to wear plain white socks and simple shoes with no identifying logos. So naturally, upon returning to the States, she noticed a distinct difference in school attire. She noticed that the students could wear what they wanted and even if they had to wear uniforms, the girls would style them up to make them more unique and she really liked that since they did not have that freedom to express their own unique style in Guiana. That was when Franky first discovered fashion and she began experimenting by incorporating different style items into her wardrobe, such as scarves, blazers, different socks, unique shoes. Anything she saw that she liked she would wear, thus developing a signature style for herself that made her stand out in a crowd.
I would add scarves and blazers and anything I saw that I liked to wear.
– Franky, Model/Makeup Artist
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