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Just Lovely, Model Style

ranky began her modeling career when she modeled for a local designer by the name of Jacinta Ligon, whom she affectionately refers to as "Auntie J". She was invited to help out on a photo shoot and was just enjoying the experience and the setting when the designer invited her to participate. Franky jumped at the chance to be involved and as a result had her very first modeling job. She proudly displays those photographs from that very first shoot in her living room today. Once she 'got the bug' for modeling she spoke to her mom, and as luck would have it, her mom had a friend in the business. Her mother's friend had been a professional model and had since opened a modeling school. Naturally the next step for Franky was to enroll into the school and hone her budding skills. She was the only 15 year old in the class but she looked as if she had been modeling for years.
Franky does mainly freelance work, but she is currently seeking agency representation. Not one to sit on her laurels, Franky is also a very talented make-up artist. She is currently working for the prestigious M.A.C. counter located in Macy's in Pembroke Pines, Florida. She began her make-up career in a similar fashion to her modeling career. She modeled for a good friend of hers named Gabrielle who has his own make-up line. It all came about when she worked as a model for him at a convention in the fashion capital, New York. Hers was the only Black face and it created quite a buzz. Fortunately on top of being paid for the gig she was so well liked that she also received free make-up lessons. After this venture, Gabrielle called her again and asked if she would like to work for M.A.C. and she immediately said, “ of course”! She interviewed and she was subsequently asked back for a second. That second interview involved bringing a model where she had to demonstrate a daytime make up look that could be dramatically transformed into a nighttime look. Needless to say, she aced the interview or in her own words, “I killed It and got hired”. Franky is now among the ranks of elite makeup artists of M.A.C. No doubt Franky will continue to excel in both of her illustrious careers as model and make-up artist. We will keep an eye out for this dynamic young lady who has been called a “modern day Grace Jones”!
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