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ALWAYS...Sexy through the Ages!

imon Le Bon, the front man for Eighties’ pop group Duran Duran, once defined sexy for young women and girls everywhere. After major success in England, his home country, not to mention the rest of Europe, the band eventually made their way overseas to the states; fandom becoming worldwide. With tubular hits like “Rio and “Hungry Like a Wolf” the band became one of the biggest music acts of the decade, making Simon Le Bon a pop icon. Yes, even in those gnarly outfits, hair and make-up! Not that we can criticize, the eighties were not an especially fashionable decade for most of us; shoulder pads anyone!
Le Bon’s photogenic face, great looks, sultry new-wave voice and totally, wicked fashions meant gracing covers of magazines like ‘Popcorn’, “Smash Hits”, “No1” and “Rolling Stone”. With a little help from their girlfriends, Simon, along with his band mates, were known to outfit themselves and do their own make-up; eyeliner and mascara mostly. Not only was Le Bon worshipped by the female population but men got in on the act as well by copying his righteous looks. Even though they wore sequins, shoulder pads and headbands while performing, Le Bon and Co did create other fashion trends worthy of the male gender. With pants tucked into boots and tops of tees cut, a new trend was born. By the time Duran Duran showed up on stage with their jacket arms rolled, popular culture got in on the act with the main characters from the hit television show Miami Vice rocking the same look! The band has even been accused of being the first “metrosexuals”; though said word had not been introduced into our lexicon. Simon did realize early on that being in a band equals constant pressure to look good and take care of oneself. He is known to moisturize in hopes of the aging process going easy on him!
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