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Barcelona, Spain

e at enjoyed the leisurely walks around the cities seafront, shopping streets and tracing the steps of Picasso. The city is absolutely gorgeous and it makes you take a deep look into its inhabitants. Generally being covered from head to toe is not that interesting and especially in a city that is seated on a seaside. But being in Barcelona during the winter months helped to put an explanation mark on its inhabitants beauty. The men were dark, striking, sauve, lean and gorgeous. And without much effort, so were the women.

Life in Spain gives the impression of being very cosmopolitan and fun. The people of Barcelona really care about their appearance, image and their city. Their winter attire appeared to be very well thought out, but fresh and even sometimes quirky. This shows that they are a very proud people, have great stature, know how to have fun, live life and that they do not take themselves too seriously.

Upbeat, quality, fresh, demure, sports oriented, sophistication, coordination, quilting, skin wearing are a few unique descriptive words that I would attribute to the winter attire of Barcelona itself. While strolling the city streets, you can practically name the designer clothing that the locals wear by site but everywhere there is also visible unique quality clothing that is probably manufactured locally and designed by top regional Spanish designers. We viewed quite a few young men and women wearing colorful overcoats and jackets-a lot of the colorful jackets representing either auto clubs, or athlectic teams. Shoes, boots and whimsical stockings were also a big to do. Matching bags with your shoes, at least in color, seemed to be a big style choice. And the bags themselves were huge, funky and fun. Style is so in vogue with these lovely people that fine dressing is also visible on the inhabitants riding mopeds and often their helmets worn are adorned with artwork and vibrant colors. In general, there was a modern vibrant approach to clothes, fashion and dressing in Barcelona and as I stated before, the men where gorgeous!
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