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Carl Trogdon

In the fall of 2004, Carl premiered his solo debut collection for Alek Risimnic Couture. At the beginning of conception ARC (Alek Risimnic Couture) was solely originated for the purpose of designing clothes that made a man look impeccable and well recognizable. Many wondered about the fictitious name of the line. The name was derived from the first three letters of his four children's names; Alexis, Kristopher, Simone and Nicholas. After the glowing response of the debut of the Fall 2004 collection, Carl felt that he should include a women's line in his Spring 2005 collection. Since the name of his line also incorporated his daughters' names he decided to create designs to represent the feminine side of fashion as well. Carl has gone on to win numerous fashion design competitions including the Waki Wear's Battle of the Champions in which he took home first place! He continues to wow audiences with his unique and innovative designs wherever he shows.

Carl Trogdon on Fashion

What has been your biggest fashion faux-pas?
Oddly enough I don't remember any fashion faux pas, lol...I would have to say mine were committed in my younger days. But I look at those as discovery of me and what fashion sense I had then. I am always an individual first before I am trendy.
If you could only shop at one store, which would it be?
Wow, one store huh... I guess we are talking retail and I would have to pick any good thrift store. I love a good sale and reinvention... so you can always find something great at the thrift. Most people would be amazed at that answer from me because sooo many think I am high maintenance due to my "Designer" status. lol.
If you could change one thing about your closet, what would it be?
If I could change one thing about my closet I would have more room for shoes... I LOVE I have tons that I can't find room for now...A good shoe, though, nothing cheap. A good shoe as your accessory and you can wear the same basic outfit and give it a different twist with your foot game!
Survival of the fittest: What is one item in your closet that you will never get rid of?
That one thing would now be my fur coat. Itls a long hair Raccoon, its so thick and luninous, the cut and fit just is superior. I do believe in reinvintion remember so I got it from my best friend who won it off Ebay for a really good price. Whenever I am down I put it on and go to 7-Eleven or the market. lol... I love the way it makes me feel and it's the one luxury item that I have. That's of course, in the Winter, so during the summer some days I just can't wait for the first frigid day.
If you were given the opportunity to have a famous designer revamp your entire wardrobe, who would you choose?
Now ouch this is hard cause I have some favorite designers... but I would have to say John Galliano...I love what that man does with a piece of fabric. The workmanshiop, the skill, the drape, the cut...and I love the fact that we may not understand it today...but maybe two years or so that light bulb will go off and now the masses have got it, lol.
Name an actor/singer/celebrity whose wardrobe you admire the most.
I am gonna have to cheat and say couple and not individual...the Beckham's. Victoria aka Posh Spice and her husband, David always give you what you wnat in regards to fashon...Very fashion forward and wll polished. Never following a trend and they compliment each other so well. Their individual style mixes well together for a harmonized mix of fashion.
What are your best and worst fashion purchases?
My best fashion purchases are the ones I find and actually wear and got at a great price. Other than those, it's the clothes I design for myself... I don't own too many of thoes because I can afford me, lol. If I am sewing and designing for myself I am not making money. My worst fashion purchases are those that just hang in the closet and I look at it, like "What was I thinking?". I usually donate the item or find someone to give it to so I'm not reminded of the wrongs. lol.
If you had to describe your personal style in one word, what would it be?
I would not be able to explain my personal style at all...I guess I would have to say evolving. I am never the same for long. I may get inspired by an episode of Happy Days and now in love with argyle...and tomorrow see an episode of Good Times and now loving bell bottoms and everyday I am playing dress up. lol.
If you could bring back any fashion trend, what would it be?
I don't think I would use those powers, lol...Fashion should always be changing, evolving, and reinventing itself so to bring it back would mean repeats. Those that know me know I hate repeats. I am always looking for the new innovative, next best thing in fashion. I think we can pay homage to the past and let that be our inspiration but to repeat is the biggest fashion faux pas! Speaks

Carl Trogdon is an innovator, creator and designer like no other. We love the way he uses an assortment of textures and shapes to create the extraordinary.
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