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Gwen Beloti

Gwen Beloti Designs are fun, chic and classic. This line dresses fashionable women headed to work, church, on a date with the girls or for an after work cocktail. A Gwen Beloti piece makes a selection of boldly subtle statements and recognizes that fashionista who strives for quality and style. It is Gwen Beloti's mission to bring its customers Incessant Intros of Novelty™.

About year and a half ago I became really serious. I never thought I could actually be able to call myself a 'designer' and sell my clothes to other people. But the rave responses I received from my family, friends and fans were my confirmation and motivation.

The excitement I got after I completed a garment, and the butterflies I felt in my stomach when I saw the garment on the model. A feeling this good should be felt full-time not just on the weekend as a side job. The very first outfit I designed was for myself. This was before I had any professional training. I literally stayed up 24 hours until I completed it. It wasn't constructed that great but the concept was so chic. After becoming a certified draper and pattern maker and learning the art of quality execution, I tackled that same outfit and it had luxury written all over it. I had learned how to turn my design concepts into worthwhile articles of clothing.

Gwen Beloti on Fashion

What has been your biggest fashion faux-pas?
Matching, Matching Matching. Never match too much. Your skirt or blouse color does not have to be reflected in your accessories or your make-up, its a big NO NO. Your pieces do not have to match they just have to compliment one another.
If you could only shop at one store, which would it be?
Bloomingdale's, because of the variety.
If you could change one thing about your closet, what would it be?
The space, my closet is way too small. I'd love to be able to display my clothes, shoes, jewelry and handbags all in one space.
Survival of the fittest: What is one item in your closet that you will never get rid of?
My flat shoes. Though I love a fabulous heel, I'd take a pointed toe flat with a pair of stretch skinny jeans any day.
If you were given the opportunity to have a famous designer revamp your entire wardrobe, who would you choose?
I would have to go with Marc Jacobs first choice, second choice Donna Karan.
Name an actor/singer/celebrity whose wardrobe you admire the most.
I absolutely adore actress Tracee Ross's wardrobe.
What are your best and worst fashion purchases?
My handbags are my best purchases. I'd have to say that my worst purchases are suits that so sophisticated yet youthful and fashionable. This is why I've created my own line. By way of GB designs I can combine conservative with edgy. Its all about a good balance.
Who makes your favorite pair of jeans? Shoes? Dress or Suit?
At the moment I have a pair of Jessica Simpson Shoes that I love. My favorite pair of jeans are from Arden B. And my favorite dress is actually one of my own pieces.
If you had to describe your personal style in one word, what would it be?
Simply ,Stylish, because encompasses a number a things.
If you could bring back any fashion trend, what would it be?
I had a thing for big belts, that has kind of died out, I'd like to see it come back.
Are there any characters on television or movies that have inspired your personal style?
I love Tracie Ross from the television’s hit show "Girlfriends" I have to be honest, I truly admired her wardrobe to the point I incorporated her sense of style in some of my designs. She makes her clothes look good, but the clothes make her look good as well. . Tracie Ross definitely has a good mix in her closet and knows how to mix things up. You have got to have your sexy cocktail dress for an after work get together with the ladies; but you also have to have your cropped fitted blazer and fabulous pair of jeans to go to the movies with your best guy pal. It's important to know how to balance and dress for the occasion.
If we were to take a peek into your personal closet, what would we find?
If you took a peek in my closet you would find the essentials, i.e., a black dress, a blazer, a pair of skinny jeans, a pencil skirt and some pumps. And then there are things there are an abundance of such as funky flats and designer handbags, these are definitely my weakness. Speaks

Gwen Beloti's designs stay true to her purpose. Her designs are classic but still maintain a trendy appeal for the woman who wants a touch of the past but wants to be in the now.
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