Closet Voyeur
Fashion Spotlight
Global Fashions
Angela Moore
Santa Monica
Global Fashions
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Lanvy's fondest and most important work...We are now onto our next and most humbling endeavor: to build a new school and art center within the heart of the Delta in Vietnam where poverty often crosses the line into crimes of enslavement and prostitution. We are now in cohort with ADAPT, a non-profit organization passionate in their quest to save humanity in the region. It is our goal to make high end fashion a way to bring freedom and economic changes to both the girls and the families who have sacrificed them. My customers might love our clothes for the unusual fabric and fresh aesthetics, but it is their patronage that provides our girls the best look in our collection: the look of hope for a better future. This is my story….and in each and every piece of couture lies the stories of those we help.

Our collection is different because it achieves 3 goals. First, our collection provides self-esteem for the woman who dares to wear us proudly, knowing what and how our garments are made. Next, our collection provides social esteem for those receiving skills through our scholarship & education; and lastly, our collection provides economic esteem for the communities we and our customers support.

Lanvy on Fashion

What has been your biggest fashion faux-pas?
80s exercise outfits (between the crack leotards are gross…even as costumes).
If you could only shop at one store, which would it be?
Goodwill Store in the Delray Beach because that’s where all fashionable vintage go to retire.
If you could change one thing about your closet, what would it be?
. Im totally OCD so my closet is color-coordinated and organized by seasonal needs…if everything is labeled, I would be perfect...(almost)
Survival of the fittest: What is one item in your closet that you will never get rid of?
My mother’s 501 jeans…It was the first thing she bought in this country. When my mom “outgrew” it, I took it and painted a long snake all around one leg…wore it throughout college and got great reviews and a few gigs
If you were given the opportunity to have a famous designer revamp your entire wardrobe, who would you choose?
Chee Au – who takes traditional silk and reinterpret the textile into modern forms and patterns.
Name an actor/singer/celebrity whose wardrobe you admire the most.
Audrey Hepburn for her feminine playfulness; Catherine Hepburn for her masculine touches.
What are your best and worst fashion purchases?
BEST PURCHASE: 70s Walnut leather jacket for $20, Tommy Hilfiger shoes (awful Chunk --- ie big name label made in China that turns out to be junk)
Who makes your favorite pair of jeans? Shoes? Dress or Suit?
Levi’s makes my favorite jeans. Betsey Johnson makes my favorite shoes and my favorite dress and shoes are made by me!
If you had to describe your personal style in one word, what would it be?
If you could bring back any fashion trend, what would it be?

We are impressed by this designer's vision and sincere concern of the well-being of others less fortunate as well as her desire and efforts to preserve the earth. What is more impressive is that she follows her heart to help humanity, all the while creating beautiful fashions that any woman would be proud to wear. She makes caring truly fashionable!
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