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Central Park, New York

lthough Frederic Law Olmstead’s Central Park was created in 1857 as a place for people to relax and meditate, in 1934 the focus of the park moved from relaxation to recreation… and so began the party and the fashion parade.

This world famous park is located in Manhattan, New York and is a haven not only for children, their parents and grand parents(with its 21 official playgrounds), but is an amazing destination for musicians, performers, athletes, painters, artists, rowers, recreation seekers, people watchers, diners, animal lovers as well as for people who just want to have a relaxing and pensive time themselves. This massive park covers 6% of Manhattan and has more than 25 million guests a year, but when you are in the scene of Central Park, the feeling is as if you are in a world that is all its own.

The 843 acres of Central Park are a man-made wonder. You can literally be entertained in a different manner around all of the various areas of the park. The sculptures, whether real live people or not, are plentiful. Novice and guru models and photographers are gracing every well-lit spot dressed in worldly fashions. The first daters are dressed to impress each other, along with designer-clad couples taking romantic strolls. Even the dog walkers and pet owners are curiously fashionable while hanging out in the dog parks. The relaxed attire and atmosphere that is visible whilst people are perched on top of huge boulders is a welcoming sight in a city where the hustle and bustle of Manhattan's fast paced lifestyle is prevalent everywhere.

The fashion catalog of Central Park is vast. There are always swing skirts and a host of sassy hot pants all around. The well fitted sun dresses are colorful and sometimes on the daring side. And the men's fashions...some took a different turn from the expected Central Park attire: Preppy men on bikes and an array of well-dressed men sporting back packs graced the park. The volleyball players were all dressed casual sporty with knee length 'hip hop' style pants. The fashions are flirty, sexy, fun, festive, relaxed and can be quite outlandish at times. Enjoy what we can only call ‘diverse and tantalizing’ in its uniqueness!....The Fashions of Central Park.
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