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Asha Veza

Asha Veza

little boutique in Brooklyn’s gentrified Park Slope neighborhood is in the business of connecting us with their collections with a cause. Asha Veza is the creation of Shanti Crawford, who donates 100% of the profits toward programs to train and employ women in India and Bosnia who have been crime victims or are living in poverty.

Designs and clothing are from those parts of the world as well, reflecting Crawford’s personal background: she is part Indian and spent time working in Bosnia during the war. “Asha” means “hope” in Indian…”Veza” means “connection” in Bosnian.

The clothing is as beautiful as the intention at Asha Veza. Classically-constructed skirts run in the $200 range. You’ll find them in rich colors such as light chocolate and deep turquoise, featuring custom embroidery and linings of imported silk. We were struck by the incredibly precise looking peacock feather design in one collection. We were also charmed by a little dish of sterling silver lotus flower key rings. At $50 each, the manager of the store explained they were there just in case people want to give to the cause but can’t afford the clothing.

Asha Veza opened in August 2007 and is located on “The Other 5th Avenue” of New York - in Brooklyn. As of Fall/Winter 2008, their online presence was still under construction as the owner travels the world in search of collections for her cause.
The minute you walk into Asha Veza, you are struck, not only by the quality textures and striking colors…but the feeling you are walking into something of substance.
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