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Laura Pimentel

Laura is inspired by paintings, nature and her travels. “Everything gives us ideas”. And she and her husband, international artist, Aleksandar Kirilov brainstorm together to come up with new designs. Her extraordinarily vibrant color choices are a result of her surroundings in the Dominican Republic and Miami. When asked about her gravitation toward color, she explains, “We wanted to be different. I come from a background where everything is beautiful and so colorful, the houses… and we just wanted to have a line that people would have fun with and not be boring with just brown or black. We wanted to have something for everyone."

Her most recent line showcases a new concept which incorporates the artistic creations of her talented husband, Aleksandar Kirilov. The new limited edition line introduced in the fall of 2008, is aptly named “LaLucca Art Bags”. The line features traditional shapes with a unique design by Kirilov who transforms the cut pattern into a 3-D art piece with a bold patina of colors and prints. The two will continue to collaborate on special edition art bags for future LaLucca collections.

LaLucca Accessories have received a great deal of press having been featured in Oprah’s O Magazine, InStyle, Bazaar, Lucky, Vogue, 944, Cravings, Aventura, Key Biscayne, and The Purse Blog . There are over ten plus celebrities who sport the colorful bags including Gisele Blondette, Eva Longoria, Miss Cuba, Patricia Perales and one or more of the famous Kardashian sisters.

Laura Pimentel on Fashion

What has been your biggest fashion faux-pas?
When I was a teenager I would wear this big Plaid open shirts with a with a t-shirt inside jeans and military black boots. Don’t ask me why I don’t even know.
If you could only shop at one store, which would it be?
Can’t decide on one!
If you could change one thing about your closet, what would it be?
To have it more organized.
Survival of the fittest: What is one item in your closet that you will never get rid of?
My jeans. Love jeans!
If you were given the opportunity to have a famous designer revamp your entire wardrobe, who would you choose?
I really don’t have a favorite designer; I just buy whatever I like that looks good on me.
Name an actor/singer/celebrity whose wardrobe you admire the most.
Nicole Richie. I love her bohemian chic style. Whatever she wears looks good on her.
What are your best and worst fashion purchases?
Worst: Shoes. I’ll buy shoes that at the store they feel great and then I wear them out and they kill me. My feet are to sensitive I guess. Best: Jeans. Did I mention I just love jeans!
Who makes your favorite pair of jeans? Shoes? Dress or Suit?
Jeans: Rock and Republic, Hudson, True religion, Shoes: Pelle, very comfortable Dress: Rachel Pally makes the best day dresses. The fabric is so smooth.
If you had to describe your personal style in one word, what would it be?
If we could take a look inside your personal closet, what would we find?
Jeans! Speaks is in love with LaLucca! Laura Pimentel's designs bring a vibrant new excitement to the world of handbags. The addition of the colorful and creative artwork of Aleksandar Kirilov is a brilliant fusion of art and fashion.
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