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Dina Medina

Dina has since created her own clothing line and company “DMDC Miami”. She has been diligently designing for the past twelve years. She has a plethora of faithful patrons and she designs custom made garments for clients that range from everyday clothes to Red carpet ready garments, as well as costume and performance ready extravagant pieces. Dina has a very eclectic palate and her clothes exude a certain amount of confidence in the woman who dons her designs.

Dina Medina on Fashion

What has been your biggest fashion faux-pas?
I had two just for a short time. One was panty lines until my sister introduced me to thongs. I didnt think about much of it because I wore really baggy jeans and the other was I always had a hard time with the fit of button up shirts around the chest area. Because my top half would be bigger than my mid-section, a button would stretch to its capacity and either it would pop open or the button would fly off. Who knows if it hit someone in the eye. lol
If you could only shop at one store, which would it be?
If I could only shop at one store it would have to be at Macy's. It has everything but food.
If you could change one thing about your closet, what would it be?
If i could change one thing about my closet I would say that "to be bigger".
Survival of the fittest: What is one item in your closet that you will never get rid of?
The one thing I would never get rid of in my closet is my black leather motorcycle jacket.
If you were given the opportunity to have a famous designer revamp your entire wardrobe, who would you choose?
If I had the choice to have one designer to revamp my entire wardrobe it would be,man that hard, I guess any that can actually dress someone that isn't a sample size four. lol!
Name an actor/singer/celebrity whose wardrobe you admire the most.
A celebrity that I admire most for wardrobe would have to be, Gwen Stefani.
What are your best and worst fashion purchases?
My best fashion purchase would have to be my long length 1960's vintage wool military coat. My worst purchase would have to be,hmm. I really dont have a worst but if I dont like it anymore I always find a way to incorporate it in some part of my wardrobe or modify it some how.
Who makes your favorite pair of jeans? Shoes? Dress or Suit?
My favorite pair of jeans? I have over 25 pairs and all different brands and can't choose one, but if I had to it would be between XOXO or ANGELS they make my bottom look great. Favorite dresses? ME! lol. Suits? I dont wear suits but my favorite suit jacket is from Michael Kors. that I got for $20.
If you had to describe your personal style in one word, what would it be?
If you could bring back any fashion trend, what would it be?
If I could bring back any fashion trend it would be, bits and pieces from different eras, but I have to admit I love either the dirty hippie with bell-bottoms and leather vest with a crochet halter or the glitz and glam from the 70's. And All 80's. I told you I'm everywhere, lol.
If we could take a peek into your personal closet, what would we find?
If you took a peek into my closet you would see a lot of jeans, miniskirts, cardigans, & jackets. I do wish I had a lot more shoes. Speaks is loving the mixture of eras and styles this designer has fused together to create a truly unique line of clothing. The sky is the limit for Dina Medina.
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