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Diamond Totans

Diamond Totans on Fashion

What has been your biggest fashion faux-pas?
Raver pants!
If you could only shop at one store, which would it be?
Betsey Johnson.
If you could change one thing about your closet, what would it be?
That it was built bigger.
Survival of the fittest: What is one item in your closet that you will never get rid of?
My favorite pair of jeans.
If you were given the opportunity to have a famous designer revamp your entire wardrobe, who would you choose?
Tom Ford.
Name an actor/singer/celebrity whose wardrobe you admire the most.
Angelina Jolie
What are your best and worst fashion purchases?
My best is finding a pair of jeans that fit me perfectly. My worst fashion purchases such thing.
Who makes your favorite pair of jeans? Shoes? Dress or Suit?
My favorite jeans are by Machine and Banana Republic. My favorite shoes would be from Michael Shannon, Nina and Steve Madden. My favorite dress would be from Hot topic because it has skulls and cherries on it. My favorite suit would be from Calvin Klein.
If you had to describe your personal style in one word, what would it be?
If you could bring back any fashion trend, what would it be?
If we took a peek into your personal closet, what would we find?
Skulls, Jeans, Purses, Shoes Speaks

Diamond Totan's designs are sexy and feminine. Bold and glamorous, these designs are not for the timid. Sexy Stitches is the perfect name to describe this sumptuous line of clothing.
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