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Ebony Fashion Fair, FL

rs. Eunice Johnson was the creator of this legendary, and first predominately black, couture runway show. She was a proud pioneer that put black designers on the forefront of high fashion. Collecting couture fashions from worldly designers, she introduced these haute couture fashions to black communities everywhere. Thanks to her global vision, people from all over the world were exposed to new fashion trends and cultural diversity. The extravagant collections that were displayed on tour in the United States included Italian and French influenced fashions, along with leading American designers as well.

Over its history, the Ebony Fashion Fair changed the lives of those on both sides of the catwalk, and it changed American culture as well. The shows were extravagant productions that were hugely anticipated and long discussed by those fortunate enough to attend. Ethnic models were also given a new platform to showcase their talents in this high-end fashion show. Additionally, throughout the years, the show raised enormous amounts of money for various charities.

For half a century, from 1958 until 2009, the Ebony Fashion Fair was one of the most entertaining and progressive shows that anyone could possibly view as depicted by the eclectic mix of designer wear showcased in this traveling museum of outstanding fashions.

The rich legacy of Mrs. Eunice Johnson lives on and we will continue to celebrate her and her many gifts to the world of fashion!

Enjoy the sizzling fashions of Ebony Fashion Fair!
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