Closet Voyeur
Fashion Spotlight
Global Fashions
Angela Moore
Santa Monica
Global Fashions
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Rachel's Fashion

achel Yu's story is a fascinating one. She started out wanting to be a supermodel. At the age of seven she would often wear her mother's clothes and even wear high heels. Although they knew Rachel loved fashion from a young age growing up in China, her parents would not allow fashion to be a course of study for her and they encouraged her to major in business. And realizing her 5 foot frame would not allow the supermodel dream to materialize, she instead ended up receiving a degree in Information Technology from a University in China. She later came to the United States and attended the University of Miami to improve her English speaking skills.

At the time her father's mining company began having problems so Rachel set out to help out the family so she had to think of a way to earn money. We asked how she ended up choosing the fashion business as her money-making venture. Rachel recalls, "I would always get compliments on my clothing and asked where I get my clothes. I have always loved fashion and having my own style." So she decided to buy a few pieces from China to sell here in America, and with the help of her uncle found a location at the Coral Square Mall in South Florida. She was faced with an urgent decision. The owner of the storefront informed Rachel that if she wanted the space she must sign a lease immediately and open for business within one month. She signed the lease and had to scramble to get more clothing for the store opening. Since she had limited savings she only had a small amount of clothing on hand. Admittedly a procrastinator, Rachel realized that this was an opportunity she could not pass up and had it not been for the owner’s urgency she may have stalled and not jumped on the opportunity. So even though things happened quickly she is very happy running her own boutique. Even though things get hectic around the shop and it is a difficult endeavor running her own business as such a young age, she is grateful for the help of her family. Her mother and brother are always there to lend a hand. Her brother is also instrumental in helping her expand the business.

Having only been open a few months, Rachel is currently updating the look and feel of the boutique. Even though the store is not quite up to the exact look that she would like, it definitely makes a remarkable statement. Color-coordinated fashions hang from hand-beaded colorful curvy hangers on swirling heart-shaped racks. Her vision for the store is to have elegant, pearl colored walls and shiny glassy floors with photos of models wearing her fabulous fashions across the main wall of the store. The future definitely looks bright for this young entrepreneur. With the help of her degree in Information Technology, she is planning to create an on-line store and start designing an exclusive collection of her own. She will begin looking for investors and expanding her store to include shoes and menswear.
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